Grants for Baptist Clergy in Massachusetts

Reach out to Reverend Jason Rutherford, Executive Director, to learn about the grants we provide to support clergy and their families.

  • Emergency financial grants to clergy and their families
  • Grants to widows/widowers of The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM) clergy; retired single clergy and retired clergy couples may also be considered for annuitant grants if they fall within the guidelines and financial grants
  • Grants to clergy for repayment of educational loans undertaken in their preparation for ordained ministry
  • Scholarship grants to clergy who are pursuing DMin degrees at recognized educational institutions
  • Assistance to TABCOM clergy with non-reimbursed medical and prescription drug expenses, including grants for dental, hearing aids, and prescription glasses
  • Grants to children of TABCOM clergy ages 16-24 to participate in a Career Finder program at the Center for Career Development and Ministry 

MBCS annually offers three sabbatical grants of up to $2,000 each. There is no formal application form. The criteria for applying are as follows: 

  • The clergy applying must have a recognized ABC ordination and have standing within The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts. 
  • The clergy must be serving in a recognized ministry within Massachusetts. 
  • She/he must have at least seven years of ministry in their current setting. 
  • The Deacons must have approved the sabbatical, and a letter from the Deacons stating such must accompany the letter requesting to be considered for the Sabbatical Grant. 
  • The clergy must write a one-page essay describing how he/she will spend the sabbatical time, giving the dates of the sabbatical leave. 

You can find information about other funding sources for American Baptist clergy in Massachusetts at the TABCOM website or by sending an email to the following organizations:

The Northern Baptist Education SocietyThe Conference of Baptist MinistersMinisters and Missionaries Benefit Board

The American Baptist Home Mission Societies also has continuing education funds available for clergy. Contact us to apply for a grant or financial aid to pay off your educational loans.